Hello! It is fun to type for me, and I have reporting experience, so this will be FUN! Hope you like it!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Hello, readers! Today is Thanksgiving. I am very thankful for all the great things I have recieved and all the fun opportunities I have had. I am also grateful for all whom are grateful towards me.
There are a few updates:
- Our first edition of our school news is released, and I am now working on a persuasive letter to the School Board to change our school's SSA (Standard School Attire).
- Tennis lessons have ended, and now I have more time for the home work on Tuesdays.
- I know I haven't mentioned this before, but my classroom has a system. We have special behavior charts with dimes on them, and mark them out when we have bad behavior. At the end of the week, we get an amount of "money" worth how many dimes are left. My latest update is $132.56.
Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

  1. make sure to highlight stuff if you want to see anything!
